أسئلة مكررة

ما هو نظام الرعاية؟“System of Care” or “SOC” is a comprehensive spectrum of effective services and supports for children, youth, and young adults with or at risk from mental health or other challenges and their families that is organized into a coordinated network of care, builds meaningful partnerships with families and youth, and is a culturally and linguistically responsive in order to help them to thrive at home, in school, in the  community, and throughout life. A system of care incorporates mental health promotion, prevention, early identification, and early intervention in addition to treatment to address the needs of all children, youth, and young adults. System of Care Core Values are:

      • Family and Youth Driven
      • Community Based
      • Culturally and Linguistically Competent

ما هي اتفاقية تسوية TR v Quigley and Teeter (Dreyfus and Porter سابقًا)؟

اتفاقية تسوية TR v Quigley هي وثيقة قانونية تحدد أهدافًا لتطوير وتنفيذ خطة مدتها خمس سنوات بنجاح والتي تقدم خدمات مكثفة (WISe) وتدعم على مستوى الولاية ، وتتوافق مع مبادئ الصحة السلوكية للأطفال في ولاية واشنطن.

ما هي Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe)؟
